Friday, May 3, 2013

Just a few words......

Dear family and friends,

I am writing you to be bring you up to date on everything that has been going on recently.  I am going to do this in a “visual” way with photos so you can SEE what I have been doing since my last update.

First of all, I want to let you know that I have recuperated EXCELLENTLY from my recent operation on my collar bone.  Even to the extent that I have played football again!!!  Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for your prayers and support during that whole experience.
On March 22nd, we had our National YWAM Conference for Argentina, which was an amazing blessing as well as vision inspiring.  Here you can see the YWAM family of 450 members!!

After the Conference we had a special introductory training event for King’s Kids, where we teach new kids about King’s Kids vision and values.  I was teaching about the Heart of God for Missions which isn’t so much focused on statistics but rather in GOD and WHY missions.

For the last few weeks we have been learning Folk Dancing!!!!!  WE are preparing with this, to be able to offer during our outreach in Spain ( or any other out reach places) a typical Argentinean dance!! (**Thank God I don’t have any pictures of this.. hahahah!)
The main “big” news is that the DTS with emphasis in Rescue (Discipleship Training School) started  up in April and we have seven students from Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Costa Rica.  Here’s a picture!

On the 22nd April we had our Second Summit meeting about 4/14 , which is about evangelizing children and young people between the ages of 4-14.  This is not to be confused with the 10/40 window which has is a geographic location.

During this event where people who do Sunday schools and other types of children/young people’s ministries by offering different types of workshops.  This year we were able to use one of the main theatres of the University Faculty of Law to offer this event.  I was helping to lead worship for the event as well as play percussion for Georgina Moreiro (a King’s Kid who participated and got to one of the higher levels of “THE VOICE” in Argentina)and I also participated in a drama that the King’s Kids did.

Also as many of you know, this year I received a prophetic word about going to Spain together with people from the base, DTS and King’s Kids.  During this  4-14 event, the King’s Kids team were ebig creative about raising funds to go to Spain.

With regards to our trip to Spain, if you know of a church or group that would like to have us during our time there this summer July/August, please let me know.  Also we would appreciate your prayers for this vision to go to Spain for the contacts, for finances etc.

On May 17th there is a possibility that I will be going to Chile with the our base director Daniel Etchart to help preach there.  This will be a big financial challenge as I will need to pay for a visa as well as the bus and plane fares.

Prayer points.

Pray for the DTS that I am helping to lead.
Pray for discernment in both my spiritual and personal life.
The challenge of going to Spain and for God to provide the necessary finances, contacts etc..
The possibility of going to Chile the 18th May. 
For the areas of ministry I am involved in : DTS, Alcance Social, King’s Kids, Worship,  and Communications.
And finally for my studies in Graphic design!

Thanks so much for your prayers and support which I appreciate so much.

Here are the details for sending offerings.
Benjamin David Barnreuther
Caja Madrid
2038 2471 04 3000672358
Subject: your name
(Outside of Spain add: IBAN ES23)

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .