Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dear family and friends,

I am now over half way through the second month of the DTS and it has been full of challenges!  It has been a very difficult time, but God has continued to lift me up and encourage me.  I am learning soooo much about servanthood leadership and to be more like Jesus.  My responsibilities in the school are many and constantly take me out of my comfort zone.  It  is especially difficult to confront the students about their bad attitudes, inappropriate reactions and complaining and I am often the one having to do this.

There is a real spirit of complaining amongst the students and I find that I have to battle against these lies and thoughts in my mind.  I am learning to apply God's truth to these lies and not allow them to control me.

Just last week one student ran away in the night and I together with the base leaders Pedro and Leo, spent hours searching in the dark on the beach for them.  We prayed and saw how God was able to show His love to this student and they returned back to the base.  So as you can see there is a real spiritual battle going on for the lives of these students and we are seeing the lightness conquer the darkness in a very real way.

Last week we had two teachers, Guille and Beulah from the Counseling School come and teach us about the Divine Plumbline who are dear friends of mine from the YWAM base in Buenos Aires.  It was an amazing time of learning truths.  It never ceases to surprize me how the devil tries to bring his lies and deceive again, but God is victorious.  We had some amazing times of inner healing and transformation where again I was a witness to the amazing battle that exists over our lives. Praise God He is GREATER!!!!


The DTS outreach (the practical part of the school) will be in England and Rumania. I will also have the opportunity of going to Spain from Dec 27 - 14th January to be with family before going on to the outreach in England which I am so thankful for.


That God would guide us (the DTS leadership) with wisdom in organizing the outreach.

For the finances for the outreach/flights= Spain - England - Rumania as I will need approx U.S $500

For finances to cover the cost of the monthly rent at the base in Mar del Plata during my absence which is about U.S. $250 a month.

Pray that I will be able to take full advantage of my time in Spain.

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

Thanks for taking your time to read!


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