Monday, March 25, 2013

Tuesday, 5th of March, 2013


Hi, dear family and friends,

As many of you know, it has been quite a challenging time lately, what with the whole issue of having been assaulted with weapons,  breaking my collar bone in three parts, the operation and the recovery. But even though so many things have happened God has been so faithful.

I broke my collar bone on January 14th in the early morning; this all happened during the time when I was leading a camp called Summer of Missions, and there was a big dilemma about where should I be operated: in the public hospital, where it didn’t look possible to get operated on (a time and space issue) , or in the private hospital, which would cost a lot of money.

When I simply communicated what happened to me through the social networks, God provided  ALL the money I needed and even more, so THANK YOU SO MUCH! What’s more, God opened doors to the possibility of me being operated in the Public Hospital in Mar del Plata.

So, praise God, I was operated on February the 4th. It was more painful afterwards than when I broke my collar bone for the first time, because in the operation they had to break it again, clean it, adjust it and finally put the prosthesis with its 9 SCREWS!!!! Here you can see it, before and after the operation:

Befor and after xrays:-

And, with the money left over after buying the prosthesis, (even though I was operated on in the public hospital I still had to pay for the prosthesis) I will be able to pay all the trips to the hospital to do physiotherapy, all the post-operation medicines, a sling that holds my arm and take out a private health insurance policy in case something similar happens in the future.

The whole process of the operation lasted from 10:30 to 16:30. I felt sick after the operation because of the general anaesthetic, the morphine and the drugs they gave me, so I vomited many times during the night and felt quick sick and out of it.. But it was a miracle that they gave me the only single room they had, while the rest of the rooms in the hospital were for 7 or 8 people. And, during the night at the hospital, one of my ywam co-workers was allowed to stay with me in the room.

I already started the physiotherapy and will be going every Wednesday. The physiotherapist has told me that I’m doing so much better than they had anticipated I would be after such an operation.

Another piece of news is that I was going to start university in order to study a degree in Cultural Administration, but I couldn’t for issues of paperwork, and because the registration had been closed the day before.

And my leaders are challenging me to definitely study something in order to grow up and learn to live life beyond the learning of the ministry.

Points for Prayer:

·                This time is being difficult because of many physical and emotional situations; pray that I can let go what comes from the flesh and take what comes from God.
·                In March 22nd, the Argentinean YWAM National Conference will begin. Pray for the finances, and the event, so that all the bases can go.
·                The continued recovery and physiotherapy after the operation.
·                For the DTS that starts on April the 9th; the base we are renting is not big enough for the new staff and the new students that are coming. One of our projects is to buy a hotel so we can have room for all the ministries .

Benjamin David Barnreuther
Caja Madrid
2038 2471 04 3000672358
Subject: Your name.
(outside of Spain add: IBAN ES23)

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

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