Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The trip from Spain to Argentina was full of tension and stress because there was only ONE seat left on the plane and I travel standby!
Travelling standby means that I never know if I will get on the plane or not until the last minute. There were also eight other standby passengers for this flight who even had priority over me. Praise the Lord this one remaining seat was given to ME!!! I arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires, and was able to spend almost a week at dear friends’ house on the Ywam base there before travelling on to Mar del Plata.

On September 20th I took a “Remis” (which is like a taxi service) to get to the bus station in Retiro, Buenos Aires. There was very little time before my bus to Mar del Plata was supposed to leave and I was still trying to get all the change together (it cost 40 Argentinean Pesos )and feeling the pressure of not missing the bus. I had also forgotten to write down the number and address of the YWAM base in Mar del Plata so I was struggling with the money and not knowing where exactly I was going. But Praise God one of the YWAM base staff came to meet me at the bus who was also able to loan me 5 pesos to be able to make the trip to the base!!!
Once at the base I realized that I already knew some of the other staff members and during the week I already feel like I am “at home” and with family!
On October 11th the Surf DTS will begin. As a staff member of this base I will not only be working with the DTS but also in many other ministries that the base is involved in, such as Rescue and Relief work, King’s Kids etc..
This past weekend our base organized a Bible Marathon, which involved reading ALL of the New Testament in the centre and squares of the town. It was AMAZING! There was an older lady who approached me and we began to talk and she accepted Jesus into her heart!!!!

Here are a few photos:

Here are some prayer points:

• At present we only have 4 students signed up for the Surf DTS. Please pray that other students would join us!
• That the local Churches here in Mar del Plata would open their doors to what God wants to do.
• YWAM Mar del Plata is prayerfully considering buying a Hotel in the centre of town just a few blocks away from the beach. It would cost 180,000 Dollars.
• I need to raise at least 200Euros to be able to attend the YWAM Argentina’s National Conference in Mendoza. (As staff here in YWAM Argentina I am “obliged” to be there!)
• I need 250Euros to be able to buy a Surfboard!
• I still need to raise monthly support to be able to live here. As a Staff member I need a minimum of 300 Dollars per month for room and board. This does not include personal hygiene items and so on. Please pray that God would move the hearts that need to be moved as part of this monthly provision.

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

Thanks for taking your time to read,



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