Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Surf DTS Starts today in Mar del Plata!

Today was the first day of the DTS!  I am sooooo excited about what God will do during this DTS, not only in the students but also in me.
All the staff have been busy preparing and there has been a lot of stress, but amidst the stress we have sensed the PEACE of God.
I was put in charge of editing a welcome brochure for the students where we give them basic information about the base and about YWAM in general.  Because we have one student from Canada this brochure needed to be done in English as well as in Spanish!    It took me one week to design and edit it in Spanish and being under time pressure to get it to the printer, I had to finish the English version in ONE day.  This involved not only translating into English (which is double the work for me) but working on pictures as well and I spent hours in front of the computer and had lots of spiritual attacks in the form of power cuts which meant I lost everything and had to start again.  But it is finished THANKS BE TO GOD!!
The jobs for the DTS have been divided amongst the staff and I will be doing: translation, artwork, maintenance and Praise &Worship.
Just yesterday I had to move out of the base along with 3 other guys to another house because with the students coming there isn’t enough room.  This new house is completely EMPTY: no furniture  or even light bulbs!!!  There aren’t any beds but just old mattresses, so we are sleeping on the floor.   Having said all of that, I am thank God that I can be here and be a part of establishing God’s Kingdom here!

Points for Prayer are:-

I have a really bad cold and sore throat and this makes translating and leading worship very difficult, so I would appreciate your prayers for healing.
I need to see God raise up people to support me financially on a monthly basis. 
I still need a Surfboard!
Pray for the Surf DTS that starts today 11th October,  that it will be a time where we can go deeper with God!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your prayers!


DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

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