Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

How time flies!!!  There are always so many things to say and so little time to say it!!!! 
My time in England and Rumania was amazing! God spoke to me so much and showed me great things as well as reminding me about why I do what I do and who am I doing it for! 
It was a very challenging time as many of you know, and we were faced with many different challenges as a team.  God was /and is FAITHFUL!  The important lesson we learned is to have a thankful attitude whether we have a lot or little and be faithful to obey!
After the time in England and Rumania leading the team, I returned to Spain to visit with my family and friends.  It was also an opportunity to give to the church.  It was difficult for me to balance these three things, but God helped me!
I had the opportunity to share in churches, youth groups and other meetings.  I was able to share what God had been showing and teaching me during my time in Rumania, which was about Kairos = time of God.  God really gave me a revelation about this and about revival.  I was asking the Lord why we still haven’t seen revival in Spain and felt that God was giving me some insight about it.

Here is the link to a short video that my brother edited of me sharing in my home church in San Fernando.

God opened many doors for me to share in Spain and I am very thankful!

Now I am back in Argentina and for those of you who don’t know I live in Mar del Plata.  In the coming months all the staff on our base will be participating in a Bible School.  We also continue to be involved in a project called Window 4/14 which works with children from 4 – 14yrs as well as full time with Kings Kids which affects every area of society.  But that isn’t all…..

The Ywam base here in Mar del Plata is taking on this challenge and I wanted to let you know about it.
We need to buy a property where we can live and continue to work onprojects for evangelism, training and humanitarian aid which we are involved in, both in and outside of the city.  We have been praying for a long time now and working hard trying to find the right building.  We finally have found a building, which would suit our needs and it is a hotel which costs 200.000 US Dollars.
We believe in the God of the impossible, but who also uses the unity and giving of His people and so I would like to suggest the following 3 ways you can get involved:-
-       Take five minutes to pray for this project
-       Give a gift of €5 or $10 (or more if God lays it on your heart)
-       That you would share our challenge with 5 or more friends.
God is giving us many opportunities to grow in faith and we already have received a word from the Lord to move to the city centre.  We are standing together as a base in this project.  My personal challenge is to be able to raise 900 Euros!

Here are the details about sending your offerings.

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

Thanks for taking your time to read!


1 comment:

  1. We pray for you, Benji. Thanks for the report. God Bless you!

