Saturday, September 29, 2012

Finally News from me…..July 2012

Hello family, friends and church,

Many things have happened since the last time I wrote. As you know, we’ve already moved to the Centre of Mar de Plata. It was a miracle to find the right plot of land in the right moment, because God’s timing is perfect. We don’t even know where we got the money to rent it. Recently we have been seeing have seen the miracle of multiplication through the offerings.

The plot of land is already taking the form of a base, and more than a base, it is becoming a home. Fixing the house has required  a lot of funds, but we’re still experiencing the hand of God.

During all this time I have been really challenged. I have been placed as the base’s “chef”, I know it sounds almost impossible because I don’t know how to cook, but with every burn and every burnt dish… God has broken me, and he is still breaking my spirit by having me in the kitchen and pushing  me into new things, and depending on God even in even the small things. I’m also working as the designer and administrator of the base’s webpage. (

I received an invitation from the base in YWAM San Clemente, from the director Viviana Serrano, to go there and teach during the Winter of Missions, in which I was also asked to help as a leader. It was an amazing time in which God moved very much and was able to restore, heal and let Himself be known among the students.

I taught for two hours about how to hear God, and about quiet times. Which is something very basic, but it’s actually very profound, and I touched several points that were not very nice to talk about.

I would like to share a testimony of what happened during this Winter of Missions. There was a great variety of ages, personalities, etc… which brought a lot of richness to the group, but was very challenging when it comes to discipleship training. There were two girls aged 10 and 11; the amazing thing was teaching for two hours without a break and seeing that the girls were still Onpaying attention, and they would ask me to stop in order to write down the verses I was teaching about. After the class finished, they came running to me and said: “Teacher, teacher, I want to hear the voice of God!” In the class, I had shared a testimony of how God told me to draw during my quiet times, and it was in a prophetic drawing that God talked to me a lot.  She again said: “I want to draw Jesus, but I don’t know if he had beard, if he was tall, short, fat or thin”, and I answered: “God wants to make himself known to you, just as He made himself known to so many children in the Bible; go to your room and have your quiet time with God”. Later, in the night, one of the other workers came to me and said: “Benji, God spoke to the 10 year old girl!, she said that when she had her quiet time, God talked to her with an audible voice, repeating a verse which was 3 John 1:14: “I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face””. It was amazing how God spoke so clearly to this 10 year old girl!

Apart from collaborating with the base of YWAM San Clemente in the Winter of Missions, I’ve been going out with the Mobile Team in the weekends, promoting the EDE that is starting this 2nd October with focus on Rescue and Lifesaving. I also preached. It was a very good time.

Things to pray for:
* That I don’t burn the noodles, rice or any kind of food.

* That God continues to speak to me in the kitchen.

* Now, more than ever, I am at 0 in my account, and since we’re moving, there are more things that we need to pay, so I have to pay 400€ a month!

* I have travelled very much in this recent time and I still have more to travel and to share about Jesus, and the truth is my finances aren’t enough.

* For the base.

* For all the other missionaries in Argentina.

* God talked to me about taking a team to Spain!

* Pray for my brother Johnny, who is doing his EDE in Hong Kong.

Thanks for your prayers and for taking the time to work with me in the mission in Argentina.

Benjamin David Barnreuther
Caja Madrid
2038 2471 04 3000672358
Asunto: Tu Nombre
(Outside of Spain add: IBAN ES23)

Here are the details about sending your offerings.

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

Thanks for taking your time to read!


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