Monday, October 14, 2013


Hello friends, Sorry for the long delay with this update, but as many of you know I have been almost two months in Spain on outreach. here is a video (Spanish)

As I mentioned in other entries, we have been praying for Spain since we went to Romania in 2012, to bring a prophetic message of a Kayros time and a true revival. By faith we included the DTS (Discipleship Training School) in this project, as well as Kings Kids… in spite of the adversities of having no contacts or funds to go and since it was summer in Spain and there were very few people in the churches. But God told us to go this year and we obeyed the voice of the Lord. I went to Spain a little earlier in order to get contacts and the permission for the team’s entry, which was stressful, since many teams have arrived in Spain and because they didn’t have all the permissions needed they were sent back to their countries. We also had minors on our team, which was even more challenging when it came to get the permissions. One day, while I was doing all this paperwork at home, a very special and important person for me came to visit: Alejandro Rodríguez, the National Director of YWAM ARGENTINA!
Alejandro Rodriguez During all of this, I was also able to enjoy spending time with my family after two years of not being all together in one place. I was also able to travel with them to the United States (Denver, Colorado) for a two week holiday.

It was a good opportunity for resting and to strengthen our family bonds. We spent around two weeks in the USA. Afterwards we went back to Spain (it was like the third time I crossed the Atlantic in less than a month!). I was still struggling and trying to find the way to get all the paperwork, permissions and funds achieved. And THEY WERE! GOD DID MIRACLES!! We got the permissions, some members of the team went to the airport by faith, without money, and they got their tickets! So the first part of the team’s stay was in my home and the first to arrive were the Kings Kids:
Two days later we received the rest of the team: the DTS!

Here is the whole team!  

We recorded a song that I composed with Elias Mix, another leader of the base: “Como Quisiera” (OH how I Wish I could love you more). And another song that the Kings Kids composed: “Tu Inmenso Amor” (Your Immense Love).
We went to the province of Orense for our first week. It was GREAT: We were able to give, but at the same time we received so much!. We had worship times in the main squares before going out to preach the Gospel.

We painted the children’s faces, we danced Argentinian folklore Dances, we preached to children, young people, teenagers, adults and senior citizens.

Then we went to Gijón, in Asturias! It was also a good time in which we able to share the Gospel and encourage the church.

Afterwards we went to Móstoles, in Madrid! There, God kept surprising us. We shared with a network of Kings Kids about the Window 4/14, did workshops everyday and lead the three Sunday services. It was a very special and powereful time.

I also had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to a street musician. We prayed for him, and then we played music with him and people started giving money as never before… the man said it was a miracle! Here’s the video showing how that went: I also preached in the Sunday service. And I shared the message that God gave me almost two years ago, and it was a blessing to see God’s working. As I was preaching, a woman’s vocal cords were healed (she had been unable to talk for a month). I am attaching the video even though I am preaching in Spanish just so you can see!! Sorry !!! I hope to be able to translate it into English in the future.  

Here’s another video that sums up this whole time with more images:

After the outreach the team returned back to Argentina and I had the opportunity to share in the National Conference of YWAM in Spain. I was able to share a message with the Kings Kids leaders and minister the workers and leaders of YWAM in Spain. God spoke to me in this conference and confirmed a lot of things for me; it was interesting to see that the message that was preached was THE SAME MESSAGE that God revealed to me two years ago for Spain. Thank you God!
YWAM SPAIN - NATIONAL CONFERENCE –September 2013 I returned to Mar de Plata on September 12th, and I have been invited to go to a National Seminary of Emerging Leaders of YWAM Argentina, in Buenos Aires. Prayer items: *Pray of the Seminary of Emerging Leaders, for God to give me a message and impact. *For the new Surf and First Aid DTS that starts in October. *For mi finances, because I arrived in Spain with nothing. *For everything that was invested in Spain, and for God to complete this process so it bears fruit. *For the base, because we are experiencing a lot of robbery in our area. ¨*We don’t have space enough to host the students, and we are looking for something to rent. INFORMATION FOR THE OFFERINGS Benjamin David Barnreuther Bankia 2038 2471 04 3000672358 Asunto: Tu Nombre (Desde fuera de España añadir: IBAN ES23)

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

1 comment:

  1. Benji, this is a very good report with so many pictures. You are great!
    Now you will have to bear sweasting again while you influence so many
    in following Jesus. May God strengthen you over again!
    Here the cool weather is at the door. and days get short.
    Yesterday the young people of our church, who are not many, took the service.
    Each one had a part, and one guy preached sobre la bondad de Dios´.
    At the end they lead us tu sing "Cuan grande es Dios, cantare cuan grande...
    And the Holy Spirit showed up, the preacher guy went on his knees, we worshipped...
    It was just such an encouragement for us while at the same time this church is having so many struggles
    in various ways. God is awesome!
    Opa is just now in a Pastor´s meeting with pastors of town.
    Have big hugs of your proud Grandparents
    Love you, >Benji
