Wednesday, February 5, 2014

January 2014, More than news....

Hi there dear family and friends,

The last time I wrote a newsletter was in September 2013 and in that letter I wrote that they had invited me to be a part of the National Emerging Leaders Conference for YWAM Argentina. During this conference God revealed a lot to me about what true leadership is and how to live out my life with Jesus.  The theme of the conference was “UPGRADE” that being to grow, broaden,  to better,  change and move deeper into leadership in God!

In these last months so many things have happened and there have been some amazing changes.  Upon returning from Spain after our summer outreach God moved upon my heart to step up my commitment as part of the leadership of King’s Kids in Mar del Plata and be less involved with the DTS’s (Discipleship Training School – a basic training course of YWAM).

It really is a great privilege to be able to invest in the next generation.  It is a process that practically begins from square one right through to accompanying them in all spheres of the society.  I am feeling more of a pioneer now than ever before and not just in the area of discipling children but also because we have changed our geographical location as a mission as well.

As many of you know, we have been praying to be able to buy/rent a hotel more in the centre of Mar del Plata and it is something that God put on our hearts as a base about 3 years ago.  It has been a real miracle because the owner of our previous accommodations told us that we needed to leave before the 30th November because she had a buyer for the property.  At that time we had no money or other possibility to find another place to live and continue with the ministry.  Then out of the blue the owner of this hotel we had been looking at, called us and offered to rent us the hotel with the option to buy it at a later date and at a much lower price than he ha previously quoted!!

So in FAITH  we signed all the paperwork and started to intercede because up until that point for the last seven years, YWAM Mar del Plata had never bought any property just rented.

So in the midst of the the activities and ministries at the base (DTS, Kings Kids, etc)  we moved!  Needless to say it was quite a challenge!!!

Here are some photos so show the moving/restoration process!

I finally received official permission from the local council to play in the streets!  But it isn’t a “general” permission anytime anywhere, but they allot you date and place where you can play.  So they give me a date and then told me that they would also give me some dates in February as well.  Below is a video of me playing in the street to give you an idea!!!

The Christmas holidays and New Year’s celebrations were a lot of un and really special.

As many of you know, I was assigned the responsibility of coordinating the Summer of Missions (short summer missions programme), which I also did last year when I broke my collar bone.  Thank God that didn’t happen again this year!!!  It was an added challenge as this also took place in the middle of the move and renovations of the hotel, but God did some lovely miracles in the hearts of his people.  This year 90 people attended and amongst them were two DTS’s from Mendoza and 2 Kings kids teams, young people and married couples.  Our teachings this year were about the Holy Spirit and Faith.  All the devotional times and teachings were lead by God in such a special way and He touched so many hearts.

During all of these things, God continues to challenge me and my attitudes and motives and confront me with the fact that I can do nothing of myself and to not be mediocre.  I can do nothing in my own strength without God’s mercy and letting Jesus do it all through me. (Romans 9:16)  God is also teaching me to take my place as a man and grow in maturity so that in the future I will be about to face greater responsibilities.  My hope is not in the things of this world, because my soul is anchored in Jesus alone and HE alone reigns in my heart and life.  My future family, my finances, my house is anchored in HIM!

Hebrews 6:19- 21

19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,
20 where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.

Also I am going out regularly to sell “Berlinesas” on the beach – this is a way to raise money but it can be very challenging too.  I am really learning to be totally dependent on God J

Upcoming challenges and prayer needs:-

I have been praying and asking the Lord what to do about my monthly financial needs and felt that God has given me an idea.  I would need 10 friends who would be able to support me monthly with 40 Euros (55 US$) .  This would just cover my rent at the base. Another option would be 20 friends supporting me with € (28 US$).  Please pray and ask God if you are to be one of these J

1. Please pray as we seek God as to what emphasis/acitivities we should be doing this year with King’s Kids.
2.  Please pray for the next DTS which will begin in April 2014 called EXTERNA (external)
3.  Pray for the team that is going to visit us in March from YWAM LONDON.
4.  In April 2014 we will have our National YWAM Conference in Córdoba, Argentina.  The Price of the trip and accommodation is 350€ (473 US$)
5. On March  22nd Daniel Mix and Mariana who are leaders on the base will be getting married.

DONATIONS: For tax deductible donations (US only), send a check to: YWAM, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000. On the Check please DO NOT put my Name, write the check to ywam, and in a separate piece of paper in side the envelope put my name "Benjamin D Barnreuther" .

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